Ergon to break ground on new asphalt terminal near Austin TX
Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions Inc announced it has been approved to move forward with construction of a new asphalt terminal in Manor TX. Construction on the facility, which will span some 27 acres, is set to begin in early 2016 with an anticipated completion preceding the 2017 road construction and paving season.
The Manor terminal will house neat and polymer-modified asphalt products used in paving and asphalt emulsion production. The facility’s bulk storage will provide the capabilities to support Ergon A&E’s Texas emulsion plants, in addition to marketing paving and sealing-grade hot products.
The new terminal will be located approximately 15 miles from the Austin city center with prime access to nearby interstate thoroughfares for direct customer sales. The terminal will be served by both inbound rail and truck receipt capabilities.
Upon completion of the new Manor terminal, the facility will bring between 10-15 new jobs to the area including positions in operations, sales & marketing, management, and facility maintenance.