Tirevigil Intow is a high-tech system that continuously monitors trailer tires, whether the trailer is in transit or dropped in a yard for long periods of time. It initiates alerts about trailer tires when adverse conditions arise and automatically advises the fleet of the tire's wheel position and vehicle identification.
The system takes trailer tire pressure and temperature data collected by tire pressure monitoring systems (TPMS) and transmits it using onboard wireless trailer asset management devices.
This data is communicated to TireVigil's in-house servers, where it is analyzed by the company's sophisticated tire management software. “Hot” tire pressures are adjusted to cold inflation pressure, providing a more accurate view of tire pressures, and eliminating false alarms.
Alerts, determined by the pressure and temperature thresholds set by the fleet, are e-mailed to anyone the fleet designates. Reports are generated on tire pressure, temperature, and maintenance performance.
“Standard or customized management reports can be generated by tire type, trailer type, maintenance facility, and other analytical metrics,” says Peggy Fisher, president of TireStamp Corp, which offers TireVigil InTow. “These reports give managers accurate, actionable, and timely tire information that they can use to better manage their tire maintenance, save money, and improve driver safety.”
TireVigil software can alert fleet management about critical trailer tire information from an Internet accessible computer at anytime, anywhere, she continues. “Never again will a fleet manager be caught unaware of tire problems, even though they are occurring hundreds of miles away, whether on the road or dropped at a customer's location.”
Often times, due to a variety of causes, tires on trailers dropped at various locations can go flat. “TireVigil InTow will advise the fleet of critical conditions,” Fisher explains, “and before a tractor is dispatched to pick up the trailer, the fleet can arrange for the tire's repair, thereby avoiding driver delay time and increasing productivity, or preventing catastrophic loss of the tire.”
The system enables fleets to reduce roadside delays caused by tire failures, increase tread mileage, extend casing life for additional retreads, and reduce labor by doing away with manual tire pressure checks.
“Tires are a fleet's second largest operating cost,” notes Fisher. “Better maintained tires reduce fuel consumption and improve vehicle operating safety, which provides additional savings to fleet operators.”
TireVigil InTow, the latest product offering from TireStamp, a company focused on tire pressure monitoring and tire asset management solutions, is a subscription-based service.
“TireStamp integrates pressure sensors and telematics with its unique technology and tire knowledge to provide fleets with critical tire condition and performance data that is easily understood,” Fisher says.