The American Trucking Associations’ Technology & Maintenance Council (TMC) has awarded its 100th Certified VMRS Specialist accreditation to Misty Hansley, manager of billing workflow for FleetNet America, Cherryville NC.
Hansley received her certification following successful completion of VMRS testing in March. She has been a part of the FleetNet America team since 2008 and oversees the company’s billing workflow department. The department codes each invoice using ATA’s Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standard, allowing reports to be segmented per vehicle for cost analysis and preventive measures.
“VMRS is an industry-accepted standard that provides broad recordkeeping capabilities across a wide spectrum of equipment operations,” said Carl Kirk, ATA vice-president of maintenance, information technology & logistics and TMC executive director. “Using VMRS, maintenance and equipment professionals can more easily track equipment performance individually, by shop, fleet, or between fleets. It provides a consistent means of measuring performance, tracking parts and providing warranty service for fleets, service providers, dealers, and equipment manufacturers.”
“VMRS is a vital ingredient to success in the transportation industry,” said Gary Cummings, FleetNet America president and chief executive officer. “FleetNet codes every third-party vendor’s invoice with VMRS. This enables us to give concrete information to our best-in-class customers and explain to other clients who want to be best in class.”
Benefits of the Certified VMRS Specialist program include:
·Providing current VMRS users a means of demonstrating their expertise and proficiency;
· Encouraging others to increase their knowledge and use of VMRS;
· Highlighting the importance of VMRS to employers; and
· Encouraging employees to continue development of their VMRS knowledge.
The certification testing process consists of 15 multiple choice questions and one essay question pertaining to the use and implementation of VMRS. Testing costs $100 for ATA/TMC members; $125 for non-members. An applicant must obtain a passing grade of 80% to qualify for certification status.
TMC announced the inauguration of its Certified VMRS Specialist Program in January 2014 and there are now Certified VMRS Specialists from every segment of the trucking industry. Learn more about the program by contacting Jack Poster, VMRS services manager, at 703-838-7928 or [email protected].