Griswold Pump Company, an operating company within Dover Corporation's Pump Solutions Group (PSG), has designed its Self-Priming Centrifugal Pumps for use in any job that requires moving water from one place to another. Self-Priming Centrifugal pumps are so versatile that they can be used for draining barges and tank cars or dewatering mines and underground storage facilities.
The H Series High Head Self-Priming Centrifugal Pumps offer options that other such pumps can't. They are ideally suited for general transfer applications where greater flows and higher heads are needed. These pumps are available in 3-, 5-, 7½-, 10-, 15-, and 20-horsepower models with heads to 260 feet and flow rates to 325 gpm.
The pumps also are equipped with these components designed into all Griswold Self-Priming Centrifugal Pumps, including:
Fast, positive priming — Pressures in the case and volute are balanced during pumping, preventing loss of capacity from recirculation and providing maximum pumping capacity at low cost.
Enclosed impeller — Increased efficiency of enclosed impeller results in the highest flows and pressures with the least amount of horsepower.
Mechanical shaft seal — All metal parts are stainless steel, and the stationary seal face is made of ceramic resiliently mounted. The self-lubricating carbon rotating seal face assures longer, more reliable operation with minimum wear.
Heavy-duty case — Close-grain cast iron construction features thick wall sections for rugged operation in adverse conditions, though the pump remains lightweight.
Perfect alignment — A heavy-duty rigid bracket maintains perfect alignment between the centrifugal pump and motor.
For more information, contact Darren McGuire at (229) 226-5255, or e-mail [email protected].