Chemical Logistics organization re-locates in Cologne, Germany
In mid-May, 4PL provider Log4Chem GmbH re-located 10 miles down the road from Dormagen to Pulheim, Cologne, Germany. The team moved into one of a number of studios in a converted steelworks, giving them a total office space of just over 3,000 square feet.
“This re-location heralds a coming of age for our young organization”, explains Kirry Mukherji, managing director of Log4Chem. “We are already in commercial dialogue with a few chemicals producers and it is my responsibility to shape our organisation so that we can accommodate this growth.”
Log4Chem is actively recruiting additional staff for their transport planning and project management departments. Until now Log4Chem was located on one of the sites of the HOYER Group.
“As an autonomous organization we are commercially, operationally and now also physically independent from our three shareholders,” says Mukherji.
Log4Chem is the only asset light 4PL provider focusing exclusively on the chemicals industry in EMEA. Their business model of aggregating supply and demand between chemicals shippers and equipment owners creates the opportunity to take total costs out of the supply chain through network efficiencies, without compromising safety and competitive neutrality.
The new postal address with immediate effect is:
Log4Chem GmbH
Walzwerk / Atelier 52
Rommerskirchener Straße 21
50259 Pulheim
Phone: +49 2238 968 4000