The American Trucking Associations applauds the New York State Legislature's rejection of New York City's proposal to charge drivers a fee to drive into parts of Manhattan during most daylight hours.
Under the plan introduced earlier this year, truck drivers would have paid $21 per weekday and auto drivers would have paid $8 per weekday to drive in Manhattan below 60th Street between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m.
ATA's concerns with the New York City plan included:
Truck drivers cannot change delivery times, which are set by the shipper and the receiver.
Workers entering the city cannot change their shift times.
The plan did not increase road capacity for use by all vehicles.
Charging an additional fee for trucks that have already paid for the highway with fuel taxes and other federal and state taxes is unfair.
Such plans usually increase congestion and parking problems in nearby areas.
Congestion pricing fees on trucks ultimately result in an increase in costs to businesses and consumers.