Ford S. Reiche, president of Safe Handling Inc., will receive the United States Small Business Administration (SBA) Maine Small Business Person of the Year award for 2008. Safe Handling was founded in 1989 in Auburn ME by Ford Reiche, Howard Reiche, and Paul Turina, and it employs nearly 100 people.
At its 61st annual Safety Awards Luncheon held in Jefferson City MO recently, the Missouri Motor Carriers Association (MMCA) named Prime Inc. driver William Girdler as 2007 Missouri Driver of the Year. The Pomona MO resident and professional driver for more than 33 years has never had a single chargeable accident in more than 4.5 million miles he's driven in his career. Two other Prime drivers were also honored at the luncheon for winning this monthly honor in 2007: Robert Conger of Enosburg Falls VT for June, and Harvey Williams of Rochelle TX for July.