Bulk Tank Inc has added four new sizes to its line of SiphonFlow hopper tees.
The SiphonFlow low-profile straight aluminum tee is now available in 6" × 5", while the SiphonFlow bottom-drop line has been expanded with three new sizes: 8" × 4" aluminum, 6" × 5" aluminum, and 6" × 5" abrasion-resistant steel.
All SiphonFlow hopper tees include design features that reduce fuel consumption and operating costs while increasing unloading rates and productivity. The fluted design of the SiphonFlow tee creates a venturi effect as tank pressure pushes product out of the tank while line pressure simultaneously pulls product through. With the SiphonFlow tee, product is in the horizontal pipe the minute it leaves the hopper valve. Eliminating downstream radius on the tee reduces flow turbulence, friction, and heat generation. This push-pull concept eliminates frustration while enhancing productivity and service life.
The BT-810-A SiphonFlow aluminum bottom-drop tee was designed with an 8" top opening to accommodate large aggregate items such as pebbles and gravel. The SiphonFlow bottom-drop tee does not require equalized pressure and numerous adjustments to achieve a tight seal on closing. Rather, it utilizes a replaceable molded gasket to ensure a consistent seal every time the door cams shut, with no adjustments required and is 12 pounds — or 41% — lighter with more than an additional 1½" of ground clearance.
Order SiphonFlow hopper tees by calling 1-800-841-5524 (573-518-0600) or accessing www.bulktankinc.com. BTI unconditionally guarantees these products will outperform any other hopper tee products.