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CarriersEdge adds ‘Emotional Intelligence’ course

Sept. 29, 2023
New online training course helps managers and supervisors evaluate and improve their leadership and teamwork skills

CarriersEdge, a provider of online truck training for the trucking industry, recently added a series of courses that help managers and supervisors evaluate and improve their leadership and teamwork skills. The first title in the series, Emotional Intelligence, is focused on ways that managers and supervisors can be perceptive to emotional states (theirs and others’), and how they can use that knowledge to be more effective leaders.

According to Harvard Business School, emotionally mature workplaces function better, and leaders with better-developed skills like empathy perform 40% higher in decision-making, coaching, and engaging others. Additionally, Forbes suggests “increasing your emotional intelligence is probably one of the best investments you can make for yourself and for your organization.” With this in mind, the Emotional Intelligence course is aimed at building out this skill set and supporting the development of strong, emotionally perceptive leadership teams.

“Over the years in our Best Fleets program, we’ve seen how companies invest in ways to boost the leadership skills of their management teams,” Jane Jazrawy, CarriersEdge CEO, said in a news release. “There are a lot of managers and supervisors out there who know their business very well, but managing people might be a very new experience for them. We’re releasing this course as the first in a series to help managers and supervisors do the less technical parts of their jobs better.”

The interactive module outlines the different aspects of emotional intelligence, the dangers of misunderstanding the non-verbal signals employees are sending, and strategies for improving a manager’s own emotional intelligence.

After completing the Emotional Intelligence course, users will be able to:

  • Explain the purpose of emotions
  • Describe the concepts of emotional intelligence and emotional quotient (EQ)
  • List the four characteristics of emotional intelligence
  • Explain the importance of emotional intelligence in leadership
  • List methods for improving your emotional intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is available to customers now at no extra charge as part of the CarriersEdge subscription service, the company said. There are over 100 titles in the CarriersEdge monthly subscription package, with new and updated titles added regularly. Courses are offered as full-length orientation, short refresher and remedial titles, and standalone knowledge tests.

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