PeopleNet executives announced that the company has completed all required hours-of-service system updates to suspend the July 1, 2013 US federal 34-hour restart provisions.
Effective immediately, once a driver completes a Logout/Leave/Login on his display, the system will automatically recalculate the driver's last cycle (last seven or eight days) and apply the new requirements for a 34-hour restart. This process will clear all "invalid" cycle violations and provide the correct cycle hours available both on the in-cab display and on the PeopleNet Fleet Manager.
Understanding that the suspension went into effect on 12/16/2014, PeopleNet wants to ensure that the driver's cycle hours are calculated using a valid restart. In order to ensure compliance, the company asks fleets to prepare drivers to follow the instructions as outlined below:
For those drivers that completed their last 34-hour off period on 12/14/2014 or 12/15/2014:
• If operating on a US federal 60/7 Cycle: Drivers should complete a Logout/Leave/Login after your terminal start time on December 23, 2014.
• If operating on a US federal 70/8 Cycle: Drivers should complete a Logout/Leave/Login after your terminal start time on December 24, 2014.
For those drivers that took a 34-hour off period on or after 12/16/2014, please advise that they can complete a Logout/Leave/Login at any time.
For example, if a driver took 34 hours off on 12/20 and 12/21; the in-cab display and PeopleNet Fleet Manager will show the driver in cycle violation on the morning of 12/22 if they exceeded their cycle available hours. Once the driver completes a Logout/Leave/Login and selects the applicable US Federal Regulation, the system will recalculate under the new rules and clear the cycle violation.
Drivers can also view the HOS Summary screen and validate that they no longer have access to the 34 Hr Reset Start & Complete line items, after they complete a Logout/Leave/Login. This will ensure that they are operating under the US Federal Regulation with suspension of the 34-Hour Restart provision (meaning that any 34-Hour Off period will reset their Cycle.)
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