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ProPetro partners with Fluid Energy, Solnexus in Permian Basin

April 6, 2021
Hydraulic fracturing service company says Fluid’s Modified Acid technology non-regulated for U.S. ground transportation

ProPetro Holding, a Midland TX-based hydraulic fracturing service company, recently formed a new partnership with Fluid Energy Group and Solnexus Chemical that it says makes it one of the largest distributors of the Enviro-Syn Modified Acid and Synthetic Acid product line in the West Texas and Permian Basin region.

Fluid’s proprietary product line will expand ProPetro and Solnexus’ chemical service offering to provide safer, more sustainable, eco-friendly and technologically advanced chemical systems to their customers in the area.

“ProPetro is committed to identifying new technologies in hydraulic fracturing that reduce overall environmental impact and allow us to produce hydrocarbons in the safest and most efficient manner possible,” said Phillip Gobe, chief executive officer of ProPetro. “We identified Fluid’s Modified Acid technology, which helps reduce the environmental impact associated with one of the most hazardous chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing operations, hydrochloric acid.

“We are proud to partner with both Fluid and Solnexus to push this innovative and sustainable product into our supply chain. This partnership is consistent with our corporate objectives, including environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals. The ability to deliver ESG-friendly alternatives to our customers is a value-added opportunity which benefits all stakeholders.”

Hydrochloric acid (HCl) is commonly used in hydraulic fracturing operations to decrease pumping pressures so that injection fluids can be pumped at sufficiently high rates to initiate fractures within the formation. However, HCl is extremely hazardous if not handled properly.

Due to the low-corrosive nature and easier handling properties of Fluid’s Modified Acid and Synthetic Acid systems, these products can be delivered and utilized far more efficiently than traditional HCl by:

  • Delivering concentrated material and diluting onsite, reducing truck traffic deliveries by up to 66%
  • Speeding up stage completion times, resulting in reduced idle horsepower time and decreasing diesel consumption
  • Reducing water volume requirements for stage completions, saving up to 1.5MM gallons of water per well

“Fluid’s patented or patent-pending Modified Acid and Synthetic Acid portfolio offers options that are non-corrosive to dermal tissue, eco-friendly, biodegradable and demonstrate low toxicity compared to HCl, as well as being non-regulated for ground transportation in the United States,” explained Clay Purdy, CEO of Fluid.

“We are very pleased to partner with ProPetro on this important initiative.”

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