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Hot topics driving the need for video

March 26, 2020
It’s best to control what you can during times of uncertainty. Here are six key industry issues you can keep a handle on by capturing video in your operations.

The start of 2020 has been chaotic, to say the least. During these times of uncertainty, it’s best to control what you can, and in speaking with our customers—and hearing from top influencers–they consistently warn against losing focus on these six key issues. Which ones concern you the most?

  • Rising insurance rates
  • Mounting nuclear verdicts
  • Compliance with the ELD mandate
  • Maintaining a strong workforce
  • Transitioning to 4G-enabled technology
  • Managing a growing number of on-board technologies

These topics seem to be of universal importance across the industry, no matter the type of fleet. As a result, video has become the solution of choice for hundreds of fleets to lower (or maintain) insurance rates, avoid nuclear verdicts and maintain a strong workforce

Delve deeper into each of these six topics and discover solutions to keep your fleet safer. Download your copy today!