The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) will host several Ethanol Safety Seminars during August in Alabama and Kansas.
Alabama will be home to two seminars. The first will be held August 7 at Alabama Fire College in Tuscaloosa. It will be co-hosted by Alabama Southern Railroad. The second seminar will be August 8 at Doster Community Center in Prattville and will be co-hosted by Autauga Northern Railroad.
The Ethanol Safety Seminars then shift to Kansas. There will be a seminar August 11–12 at the Overland Park Fire Training Center near Kansas City. This seminar will have Missouri & Northern Arkansas Railroad as co-host. The next seminar will occur August 13 at the Webster Conference Center in Salina, followed by the final seminar on August 14 at Pratt Community College near Wichita. Both will be co-hosted by Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad.
All seminars are funded by a Federal Railroad Administration grant through TRANSCAER. RFA has been a TRANSCAER member since 2007.
The seminars in Tuscaloosa, Prattville, Salina, and Wichita will feature a morning session from 9 am to 2 pm and an evening session from 5:30 pm to 10 pm. The seminar held at the Overland Park Fire Training Center will have two sessions from 9 am to 2 pm only. Each seminar is free, but registration is limited. Lunch and dinner will be provided. Certificates will be awarded to attendees at the completion of the course.
Attendees will receive in-depth information on proper training techniques that first responders and hazmat personnel need to effectively respond to an ethanol-related emergency. While primarily targeting first responders, hazmat teams, safety managers, and local emergency planning committees, the training also is open to the general public.
The Ethanol Safety Seminar focuses on numerous important areas of ethanol safety including an introduction to ethanol and ethanol-blended fuels, chemical and physical characteristics of ethanol and hydrocarbon fuels, transportation and transfer of ethanol-blended fuels, storage and dispensing locations, firefighting foam principles and ethanol-blended fuel, health, and safety considerations for ethanol-blended fuel emergencies and tank farm and bulk storage fire incidents.
To register for these seminars, go to