New data from the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) and Port Newark Container Terminal (PNCT) indicate propane-powered terminal tractors are “significantly” cleaner than their diesel counterparts in several key emissions-reduction areas.
In recent testing at PNCT, researchers collected emissions data from a MAFI-manufactured propane terminal tractor and Tier 4 diesel technologies. The results showed the propane-powered tractor yielded 99% fewer nitrogen oxide (NOx) composite and idle emissions than either diesel tractor, study participants said. Additionally, the propane tractor produced 77.5% fewer THC idle emissions, 14% fewer brake-specific carbon dioxide emissions, and 75% fewer TPM emissions than the diesel tractors.
MAFI’s propane tractor is powered by Power Solutions International’s (PSI) 8.8-liter propane engine, which is over 90% cleaner than mandated U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards and certified to the optional ultra-low NOx emissions standard as defined by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) for heavy-duty engines with .02 grams of per brake horsepower. Plus, the propane engine competes with diesel engines on performance, providing 270 horsepower with 565 lb.-ft. of torque.
In addition, grant money available through the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) helps support fleet transition to propane-powered technology, PERC said.
“This near-zero emissions technology terminal tractor is available now for an affordable price,” Gavin Hale, vice president of business development at PERC, said in a news release. “Propane technology adoptions are continuing to grow at ports, terminals, and warehouses throughout the country to eliminate diesel emissions and make significant strides toward greenhouse gas reduction.”