Burch Tank
GPS tracker

Burch offering GPS tracking, monitoring for all tanks

Jan. 11, 2019
Burch Tank now offers a GPS tracking and monitoring device for all of its new tanks.

Burch Tank, in an effort to help tank-hauling customers keep tank temperatures within tolerance, now offers a GPS tracking and monitoring device for all of its new tanks, as well as existing tanks.

The new solar-powered unit produces temperature readings through web-based software on a phone, tablet or computer, which receives data based on custom parameters. Customers can have alerts sent to their phone if the temperature goes above or below the desired temperature for the load.

This unit eliminates battery replacement and related downtime expenses with self-charging, dual-integrated panels that use direct or indirect sunlight to replenish power, year after year, the company said.

“This unit will give our customers some piece of mind knowing where their tank is,” said David Daymon, a corporate sales manager at Burch Tank. “It allows them to watch the tank and load to ensure they get the maximum amount for their load. It also allows the customer to stay on top of preventative maintenance for their tank, keeping them at maximum performance.”

These GPS tracking and temperature monitoring devices can be retrofitted on any brand of tank by a Burch Tank installer, the company said, helping improve security and operational efficiency.

About the Author

Informa Commercial Vehicle Staff