ATA announces new logo, sponsors for National Truck Driver Appreciation Week
The American Trucking Associations revealed the official 2016 National Truck Driver Appreciation Week logo and announced key sponsors for the weeklong celebration.
“National Truck Driver Appreciation Week is an institution in the trucking industry that has been building in popularity throughout my tenure at ATA, and I think our drivers are witnessing an improved image due, in part, to this well-deserved appreciation week,” said ATA President and CEO Bill Graves. “I look forward to seeing a renewed sense of excitement for the event generated by this redesigned logo and cannot thank the professional truck drivers throughout this country enough for their service to the industry.”
National Truck Driver Appreciation Week is held annually during the month of September. This year, NTDAW is scheduled for September 11-17.
ATA will be joining America’s Road Team and ATA First Vice Chairman Kevin Burch for an event in Dayton OH during the week of NTDAW and encourages motor carriers and suppliers throughout the industry to hold appreciation events for professional truck drivers.
Visit the official NTDAW webpage to see the NTDAW toolkit including suggested events, sample op-eds and press releases to generate local appreciation of drivers, and sample state proclamations to make NTDAW a recognized week in each state.
The official 2016 NTDAW logo is available for download on the ATA website. Later this spring, ATA will unveil the NTDAW E-Store, where supporters of NTDAW will be able to purchase items ranging from backpacks to banners to show their appreciation for professional truck drivers.
Sponsors for National Truck Driver Appreciation Week include Help Inc, Velociti, US Legal Services, SmartDrive, and Trucker Path.