When accidents or injuries are at stake, one mishap is one too many, says Andrews Logistics’ leadership. The Southlake TX-based firm specializing in the transport of bulk liquids and hazardous materials is launching Target Zero, a company-wide campaign to promote a goal of zero injuries, accidents, spills, and contaminations.
J Darron Eschle, chairman and chief executive officer of Andrews Logistics, says the only acceptable accident goal is zero percent, regardless of how minimal an accident might be.
“It’s critical to us and to our industry to protect everyone we impact—from our drivers to our employees to customers to the general public,” Eschle says. “Even one mistake can have serious consequences. A couple of accidents a year out of thousands of deliveries might be an exceptional safety record overall, but it’s not an acceptable goal. The only goal that makes sense is to strive for no accidents whatsoever, and we want to lead the industry in setting the standard.”
As part of the Target Zero campaign, Andrews Logistics provides its team with ongoing safety training and educational materials, and holds every employee accountable for complying with safety measures. The company also is promoting its message with a new logo developed for the campaign, along with stickers, banners, uniform and equipment patches, and ongoing communications to keep safety best practices in the forefront of company-wide activities.
Griff Odgers, Andrews Logistics vice-president of safety and risk management, says Target Zero also addresses safety concerns beyond the workplace. “Safety not only has to be emphasized at work, it’s a lifestyle behavior that can be practiced while driving, at home and in other everyday environments,” he says. “Proper safety behavior can minimize risk no matter whether it’s at work or at play.”
Andrews Logistics promotes its safety record as a strong benefit to drivers. The company has won multiple safety awards from the National Tank Truck Carriers (NTTC), including the organization’s top prize, the Outstanding Performance Trophy. The firm has been consistently praised as one of the safest tank truck carriers in the country by NTTC and says it was the youngest company to ever win the NTTC’s overall top safety award.
“We’ve been in a rapid growth cycle for several years now, and we intend to do everything we can to make sure it continues going forward,” Eschle adds. “We want to be known as a place that drives excellence, not only in terms of safety, but also for our overall commitment to quality.”