Communication essential to good tank wash/carrier relationship
Good communication between carriers and tank wash personnel is essential for maintaining an efficient working relationship, said representatives from the two groups at the NTTC Tank Cleaning and Environmental Council Seminar.
"The tank wash can be the eyes of the carrier," said Pete Nativo of Transport Service, noting that facilities may be the first to determine a problem is present with a product or the tank integrity.
The subject was discussed at the meeting March 30-31 in Savannah GA by members of a panel, including Nativo, Greg Winters of PSC Environmental, Ed Matlage of Miller Transporters, Travis O'Banion of Trimac Transportation, and Charlie Stock of Tank Trailer Cleaning and council chairman.
Coordination between carrier and tank wash is essential for both to perform their services in a timely manner, the panel noted. Communication with carrier dispatchers is especially important because they typically are the people handling the transaction.
O'Banion recommended having a cost model for tank cleaning services that can be presented to carriers so that they are aware of what will be required up front.
Matlage noted that carriers make various considerations when choosing a tank wash, particularly because of the logistics required in the transportation of products.