Ruan participatingin SmartWay program

Aug. 1, 2008
Ruan Transport Corporation, Des Moines IA, is now participating in the SmartWay Transport Partnership, an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) program designed to improve energy efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions, and improve energy security

Ruan Transport Corporation, Des Moines IA, is now participating in the SmartWay Transport Partnership, an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) program designed to improve energy efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions, and improve energy security.

Ruan will contribute to the partnership’s goal to reduce 33 to 66 million metric tons of carbon dioxide and up to 200,000 tons of nitrogen oxide per year by 2012 by improving the environmental performance of its freight operations. Carbon dioxide is the most common greenhouse gas, and nitrogen oxide is an air pollutant that contributes to smog.

"Ruan has a long tradition of seeking and implementing strategic fuel conservation measures, which not only controls costs, but helps protect the environment," John Ruan III, Ruan chief executive officer stated. "The SmartWay designation affirms our commitment to safe, efficient business practices that benefit our customers, employees, and the global community."

Launched in February 2004, the SmartWay Transport Partnership aims to achieve fuel savings of up to 150 million barrels of fuel per year. The partnership brings together major freight shippers, trucking companies, railroads, logistics companies, and trade/professional associations to pursue mutually beneficial efficiencies that result in emissions reductions and other environmental improvements, as well as cost savings to the companies. It currently has more than 947 Partners.

"Applying for the SmartWay partnership was a significant undertaking, requiring months of data-gathering by a dedicated team," Scott Allen, Ruan asset management director, said. "Those efforts paid off when Ruan was awarded the top score possible by the EPA, which is a real point of pride. Ruan’s many fuel conservation practices include superior aerodynamic truck design, auxiliary power units, driver training and speed management, and fuel efficient tires, to name a few."

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