Baron and Budd, a nationwide law firm, is investigating possible overtime pay violations by tank truck transportation companies after a recent $14 million settlement in a California case brought attention to the issue. The law firm reportedly now is targeting Texas fleets.
Even though there are some exemptions, truck drivers who operate within a single state and do not cross state lines reportedly should be paid overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). However, many carriers allegedly neglect to pay the overtime, according to attorneys at Baron and Budd.
In the California case, tank truck transportation provider KAG West LLC was accused of not paying workers time-and-a-half overtime pay, forcing drivers to work off the clock, and not allowing meal or rest breaks. KAG reportedly agreed to pay a $14 million settlement to employees included in the case.
“Many tank truck drivers may not realize it, but you are due overtime pay if you don't cross state lines as part of your job,” said Allen Vaught, head of Baron and Budd's FLSA litigation section. “This case has helped to bring the issue to the forefront and proves that these violations are happening.”