The Pipeline Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) is hosting a public workshop July 31 to identify and discuss strategies for meeting emerging hazardous materials transportation safety challenges, according to a notice published July 18 in the Federal Register.
"PHMSA invites all interested persons, including state and local officials, emergency response personnel, and hazardous materials shippers and carriers, to participate in this workshop," the agency stated in the notice. "We would like to use this forum to promote a dialogue among all interested stakeholders to help us identify the most appropriate strategies for identifying and addressing emerging transportation safety challenges."
The meeting will specifically address the development of innovative safety solutions that provide the Department of Transportation (DOT), other federal agencies, state agencies, the regulated community, and emergency response organizations with flexible tools to manage and reduce safety risks.
PHMSA and its stakeholders will be able to discuss the future direction of the hazardous materials transportation safety program, with a focus on broad themes: safety, risk reduction, and integrity management; 21st century solutions using new technology for improved safety controls/improving safety controls for new technology; and achieving balance and effectiveness-consistency and uniformity.
The meeting will begin at 8:30 am and will be held at the Department of Housing and Urban Development Conference Facility, 451 7th Street SW, Washington DC 20410. For more information, e-mail Maria Howard at [email protected] or telephone 202-266-0225.