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KAG Logistics secures Supplier of the Year award

May 23, 2024
Novus honors Kenan Advantage Group’s American PetroLog team with its top 2023 supplier honor for reliable service

Novus International recently presented American PetroLog, part of Kenan Advantage Group’s KAG Logistics team, with its 2023 Key Supplier of the Year award.

Logistics coordinator Melody Sumrall and national account executive Cedric Brown accepted the award on the group’s behalf, KAG reported.

“When chicken feed season hits, Mel and Cedric work around the clock, making sure the team at Novus is well-stocked throughout North America,” Bailey Bobbitt, American PetroLog vice president, stated in a news release.

Novus shared its thanks, saying KAG Logistics’ service “is critical to the success and reputation of our company as a reliable supplier.”

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