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BeyondTrucks expands integration hub
SOMERSET Welding of Somerset, Pennsylvania, got an early start on the Pennsylvania gas shale drilling boom three years ago, building truck-mounted vacuum tanks hauling 80- to 135-barrel (3,360- to 6,000-gallon) loads in the oil field. Now they have added vacuum trailers to the product mix, and those trailers were on display at the Mid-America Trucking Show that was held March 22-24 in Louisville, Kentucky.
The vacuum trailers and truck-mounted vacuum tanks are marketed as J&J Truck Bodies & Trailers.
The new J&J vacuum trailer exhibited at MATS has a capacity of 130 barrels (5,460 gallons) of brine or oilfield residual liquids. The non-code tank is built to DOT412 specifications except for the material, says Brian T Ferguson, the Somerset Welding engineer who designed the trailer. It has a design pressure of 35 psi internal and 15 psi vacuum.
The head and shell thickness is a quarter inch, of A36 steel, which is welded by the submerged arc process. The eight external rings are 3/8 inch by 2 ½ inches, and the 60-inch diameter tank has two internal baffles. Two manways are on top, and one in the rear head.
For corrosion resistance, the tank interior is spray coated with Madison Chemical's Corrocote II to a depth of 30 mils. Exterior paint is Sherwin Williams Genesis M acrylic polyurethane.
The tank is mounted on a Cor-ten steel subframe with Reyco nine-leaf, 52,000-lb-capacity spring suspension. It runs on 24.5-inch wheels and tires. Tare weight of the 40-ft long trailer is 19,000 pounds, including the Fruitland RCF 500 vacuum pump. ♦