Anyone who visited recently probably noticed that the web site looks very different. Working with our colleagues in the Penton Media Internet Technology Department, we enhanced our website to make it an even more powerful tool for the tank truck, tank container, and storage terminal industries.
The newest generation of the liquid and dry bulk logistics sector’s premier news and information website brings expanded power that will enable us to add new features to better serve the industry. Changes include improved search capability, a better mobile technology experience, and a new layout that enables editors to highlight more important industry stories.
We’ve repositioned some of the most used tools on the website, such as the directories. Directories, and the annual Gross Revenue Reports, are now grouped under the Resources section on the dark gray toolbar near the top of the homepage. Directories also have their own special section right below the Latest Headlines.
This website update was months in the planning, and we worked hard to make changes that meet the needs and expectations of you, our audience. We will continue to change and adapt as needed.
We invite you to explore our improved web site. There is a lot to see, and more is coming. We welcome any suggestions or comments. This is a work in progress, and our goal is to make sure remains your go-to source for liquid and dry bulk logistics information.