The American Trucking Associations joined other groups in congratulating US Representative Bill Shuster (R-PA) on being named Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee for the 113th Congress.
“Chairman Shuster is a great friend of the trucking industry and we look forward to continuing to work with him to address the funding shortfall in the highway trust fund and to advance a strong safety agenda,” says ATA President and CEO Bill Graves.
The Chairman and his recently announced leadership staff have a proven record. Funding our nation’s infrastructure and advancing highway safety is a priority for ATA. Rep Shuster’s background and ability to work in a bipartisan manner will allow him to accomplish the many challenges in the coming Congress.
“We share Chairman Shuster's goal of putting America on a sustainable path to improving our nation's infrastructure,” says ATA Chairman Mike Card, president of Combined Transport Inc, Central Point OR. “It was a goal we shared with Chairman John Mica, who worked tirelessly to pass the highway bill that became MAP-21.”