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Quantix raises bar for Responsible Care

Feb. 2, 2022
Supply chain services company first to achieve ACC certification for operations in a customer’s facility; also certified for liquid chemical transport

Quantix recently received two new Responsible Care certifications from the American Chemistry Council (ACC), including one that is the ACC’s first certification for in-plant services.

ACC designates companies that meet high standards for environmental, health, safety, and security performance as Responsible Care partners. While the council has certified companies for operations within their own facilities for nearly 35 years, Quantix is the first to achieve certification for operations in a customer’s plant, the company said.

“To be the first in-plant service operation ever to be certified in Responsible Care sets the bar for the industry and our own business to continue to achieve the highest environmental, health, safety, and quality performance standards,” said Dionne Quiachon, chief environmental health, safety, security, and quality officer at Quantix. “This is another testament to our commitment to safety, innovation, and sustainability.”

The company also received its first Responsible Care certification for its liquid chemical trucking operations division. Quantix added liquid chemical transport to its portfolio of services in February 2020 and has since acquired four liquid chemical transport companies.

“Achieving this certification within two years of our entry into the liquid chemical business is an outstanding accomplishment for our organization,” said David Perry, president of liquid chemicals at Quantix. “It acknowledges that we consistently bring best-in-class health, safety, environmental, and security practices across our five operating companies.”

Lori Pavlish, senior transportation safety and security manager at The Dow Chemical Company, said Dow prefers to work with Responsible Care partners.

“As an ACC Responsible Care member company, Dow preferentially seeks to work with other businesses in the Responsible Care network,” said Pavlish, , who also served as a sponsor for Quantix’s liquid division certification.

“Quantix obtaining certification in its liquid chemical division is critical for our partnership, the environment, and the safety of everyone across the supply chain.”

Quantix joined the Responsible Care program 15 years ago with its bulk plastics division under the legacy name of A&R Transport. By participating in this program, Quantix has made CEO-level commitments to the program, including tracking and transparently reporting company performance on EH&S and security metrics, undergoing third-party audits, certification to the Responsible Care Management System, and implementing the Product Safety, Process Safety and Security Codes.

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