There’s nothing like competition to make the best even better. The final round of the inaugural Mack Masters Competition was recently held at the Mack Customer Center in Allentown PA and featured the top five customer support teams from Mack dealers across North America.
Following an intensive, hands-on final challenge, team “Babine PG” from Babine Truck & Equipment of Prince George BC, Canada was crowned Mack Masters champion. Members of team Babine PG include Matthew Giesbrecht, Tyler Kronebusch, Clarence Oosterhoff, and Dan Orser.
The Mack Masters Competition, which kicked off in September 2014, tested participants’ knowledge of Mack service procedures and systems with questions and tasks that require the teams to work together to solve problems.
“Mack Masters is all about recognizing our outstanding technicians who demonstrate the skills, collaboration and problem solving needed to service today’s sophisticated trucks and maximize uptime for our customers,” said Stephen Roy, president of Mack Trucks North America. “Each team proved to be a strong competitor in a very close competition. But, at the end of the day, the team from Babine Truck & Equipment came out on top, and we couldn’t be more proud to recognize their commitment to service excellence with the inaugural championship.”
The final round of the competition featured five individual stations, each with a unique set of service challenges. Ranging from the installation of a complete engine harness, to troubleshooting a truck with multiple service codes, each team had just 30 minutes to solve the issues. Once completed, teams rotated to the next station until all five challenges were tackled. A panel of Mack experts at each challenge evaluated and ranked the teams’ performance to determine the champion.
The first-ever Mack Masters Competition featured nearly 1,000 individual participants, making up 263 teams from 171 locations throughout the Mack dealer network. After competing in three rounds of online challenges, five finalist teams were selected, with one team representing each of Mack’s five regions: Canada, Central, Northeast, Southeast and West. The other finalist teams competing represented Westfall O'Dell Trucks Sales of Kansas City MO, O'Connor Motor Company of Portland ME, Nextran Truck Center of Jacksonville FL, and Mobile Fleet Service Inc, of Yakima WA.
The Mack Masters Competition is facilitated by the Mack Trucks Academy, which is responsible for developing and implementing Mack service training and aftermarket support programs. The academy is accredited by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) for Continuing Automotive Service Education (CASE).