Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems LLC (Bendix), a member of the Knorr-Bremse Group, has signed a definitive agreement to acquire the VORAD (Vehicle On-board Radar) system from Eaton Corporation for an undisclosed amount.
The transaction — which closed December 31, 2008 — immediately incorporates assets associated with VORAD operations to become a part of the electronics business unit of Bendix. The move will complement other safety technologies such as the Bendix ESP (Electronic Stability Program) and Bendix Adaptive Cruise Control. This is the second acquisition Bendix has completed in the closing months of 2008.
In connection with the transaction, Eaton's Roadranger marketing organization has entered into an agreement with Bendix to market and support the VORAD system in the North American marketplace.
The VORAD collision warning system — featuring Smartcruise technology — employs warnings that alert the driver to objects up to 500 feet ahead of the vehicle, even around curves, and can track up to 20 vehicles at a time. In addition, radar-based Blindspotter and Backspotter technologies can also help warn the driver of objects to the side and/or rear of the vehicle. VORAD is used by original equipment manufacturers, major trucking fleets, and specialty vehicle manufacturers.