Ryder System Inc announced that the company’s employees together with the Ryder Charitable Foundation are making a $100,000 donation to the American Red Cross to support disaster relief efforts in Haiti.
The donation is the result of a nationwide employee campaign that raised $42,000 and a match exceeding this amount of $58,000 provided by the Ryder Charitable Foundation. This new financial support is in addition to the three-year, $1 million commitment made in 2009 by the Ryder Charitable Foundation to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund, making the company a member of the American Red Cross Annual Disaster Giving Program.
After the January 12, 2010, earthquake in Haiti, Ryder launched a national employee giving campaign, including a dedicated online donation portal on www.Ryder.com where employees were able to make contributions to the American Red Cross. Employees were also able to make cash and check donations through the company’s Public Affairs office at its Miami FL headquarters and at several operating locations. The Ryder Charitable Foundation committed to match, but in fact will exceed, employee donations designated for Haiti relief efforts made through February 1.
Ryder has also contributed in kind services through the discounted provision of its vehicles to various non-profit organizations in support of the relief effort, including providing refrigerated and other vehicles in South Florida for staging goods en route to Haiti.
“The outpouring of support by Ryder employees following this tragedy has been significant and heartwarming,” said Greg Swienton, Ryder chairman and chief executive officer. “We recognize that the recovery for Haiti and its survivors is expected to be long and difficult, and we will also continue to keep the victims of this disaster in our thoughts and prayers.”
For more information, visit www.ryder.com.