As many used-truck customers find their financing choices limited by unwilling lenders and high interest rates, SelecTrucks is addressing these issues by offering two finance options. For the first option, SelecTrucks customers can take advantage of a limited-time interest rate of 4.75 percent, with no down payment required for customers with a good credit rating.
A second option is a down-payment matching plan designed to reduce the customer's cash outlay and monthly payments. SelecTrucks will match 50 percent of a down payment up to $3,500.
Both finance options also allow customers to defer their first loan payment for up to 90 days.
Qualifying trucks for both financing options include 2003 and 2004 Freightliner Columbia and Century Class S/T trucks with a range of specifications and pricing.
Both financing opportunities are available now through December 31, 2008. Complete details for both options are available at