The 2008 version of the Size & Weight Update, a reference guide containing state-by-state listings of size and weight regulations, is now available from XTRA Lease.
XTRA Lease produces the free guide annually to provide fleets with the most up-to-date resource material for managing size and weight legal limitations.
In addition, the 30-page booklet offers details for where to:
Register for fuel use tax and order International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) trip permits.
Register vehicles and order International Registration Plan (IRP) trip permits.
Register for Unified Carrier Registration Agreement (UCRA)
Get hazardous materials/waste permits.
Get overweight, oversize permits.
The guide provides contact information for state trucking associations and also includes a convenient fold-out quick reference chart for all states.
For a free copy, go to or phone 800-367-9872.