Highlights of the upcoming Technology & Maintenance Council’s 2016 annual meeting will include:
• A technical session on the coming Technician Shortage that will help industry professionals improve technician recruitment, training and retention.
• A technical session “Strategic Innovations for Next Generation Vehicles and Shops” that examines projections by TMC's study groups and committees on future vehicle and shop designs and practices during the next 25 years.
• Other technical sessions conducted by TMC study groups examining topics such as maintenance shop sustainability, implementing TMC practices in service provider operations, vehicle corrosion, and means of achieving 360° driver awareness.
• A special C-Level educational track for motor carrier executives.
The American Trucking Associations’ Technology & Maintenance Council’s 2016 Annual Meeting and Transportation Technology Exhibition, themed ‘Celebrating 60 Years of Technical Leadership,’ will be held February 29-March 3 at the Music City Center in Nashville TN.
For registration information, contact: [email protected]