Tremcar side manhole milk tanker now recognized in CT, RI, MA, NY
The Tremcar side man-hole milk tanker, built to answer Agri mark’s security issues for its haulers and operators was approved for use in four Northeastern states after an inspection at the milk processor’s West Springfield MA plant. Agricultural regulatory agents from the states of Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New York approved the tank trailer last August to assure it complied to all sanitary regulations.
It was important for Agri-Mark and Tremcar that the unit fulfilled all sanitary requirements to ensure that it could operate legally in those states. The results of the inspection came out rapidly. New York’s Department of Agriculture and Markets issued a letter recognizing that the Tremcar milk tanker met all proper sanitary obligations as of August 23, 2016.
State sanitary regulations often exceed 3-A recommendations. Rigorous sanitary regulations are there to assure the upmost cleanliness of the milk tank. Inspection from ground level is much easier for anyone wanting to make sure the tank is perfectly clean for every load of milk transported.
“With this type of milk tank, we have had no cleaning issues,” said Robert Gilchrist, Agri-Mark Co-Op (newly retired). “It is simple to inspect, and all we have to do is look through the side manhole with a flashlight and we can see every corner and any possible shadowing. Inspection takes less than three minutes, and we are ready to send it off to its’ next load.
The highest quality milk is thus assured with a 99.9% risk free of refusal at the processing plant.
Tremcar technicians have designed the unit following all 3-A recommendations with the exception of having the manhole on the side as opposed to the top. Tremcar officials said they are hopeful the 3-A committee will soon recognize the unit as being in compliance with 3-A requirements.
The unit sparked a lot of interest in the milk industry., Dean Foods, and Agropur officials came to the West Springfield milk plant to see the tanker in action. “Everyone is unanimous, this tank is the safest to work with in the industry,” Tremcar officials said. “Imagine not having to climb up on a milk tanker. Imagine building or renovating milk receiving facilities without investing in cat walks and harnesses. This tank will help milk haulers and milk plants comply with OSHA safety regulations.
Other states are following New York’s footsteps in recognizing the importance of providing a secure working environment just as it is important to have safe clean units carrying out essential commodities like milk across America. Tremcar salutes the states’ open-mindedness, company officials said.