National Association of Chemical Distributors recommends chemical security policy

Sept. 1, 2005
The National Association of Chemical Distributors (NACD) has recommended that federal security legislation determine which chemical companies are and

The National Association of Chemical Distributors (NACD) has recommended that federal security legislation determine which chemical companies are and are not covered by new legislation and develop a program that includes flexibility to address different sizes and types of facilities.

The association made those and other recommendations in testimony July 27 before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

”NACD believes federal legislation is the only way to ensure adoption of adequate security measures, particularly among those companies that follow no recognized management practice like the Responsible Distribution Process,” according to NACD's prepared statement to the committee.

The Responsible Distribution Process requires all NACD members to continuously improve performance in protecting health, safety, and the environment. A key program requirement and a condition of membership in NACD is verification of members' process policies and procedures by a third-party firm.

Testimony before the Senate committee outlined security measures NACD members have taken since the United States was attacked by terrorists in 2001, noting that security is a key element of the Responsible Distribution Process.

The association also recommended that legislation recognize measures that companies already have in place and develop additional measures to protect facility sensitive information from public release.

NACD believes that the Department of Homeland Security should have clear regulatory authority to determine risk categories, establish security standards, collect and evaluate vulnerability assessments and site security plans, and enforce established standards.