Ventura Transfer Co, Long Beach CA, has won second place in the California Trucking Association's (CTA) 2003 Fleet Safety Contest. Ventura entered its dry bulk operations in the under two-million-mile truckload category. The Fleet Safety Awards are given to companies with the lowest accident frequency in a year. Ventura had no accidents in 2003, according to company information.
“When you have your priorities in-line, it shows in the work that you do,” said Brian Oken, Ventura chief executive officer. “We are proud to be recognized for our commitment to safe and professional driving.”
A committee made up of government and regulatory agency representatives selects the winning carriers from among the CTA-member entrants’ after a review of their records. The criteria used to determine a carrier’s safety record include company safety policies; hiring and training procedures for drivers; frequency and review of incidents; and fleet maintenance.
Ventura received the award at the CTA annual Fleet Safety Awards Banquet June 16 in Sacramento CA.