President Bush is proposing a $65.6 billion plan for the Department of Transportation (DOT) in the 2007 budget, according to DOT and White House information.
The 2007 proposal is $4.4 billion over the $61.2 billion requested last year for fiscal year 2006.
Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta noted that one-fourth of the budget request will be used to pay for safety initiatives, including $815 million for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration received an increase of $32 million from the year before. If Congress approves the proposal, FMCSA would receive $521 million for fiscal year 2007.
The proposal would fully fund the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) at nearly $50 billion for transit, highways, and safety programs, a $3.3 billion increase over 2006.
The budget proposal also includes $121 million for the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration and $8 million for the Research and Innovative Technology Administration.
More information about the DOT budget proposal can been seen by clicking here for the White House Web site.