The American Trucking Associations offered its support for President George W Bush's $1.6 billion tax plan as "a spur to the nation's economic growth.
Walter B McCormick, ATA president, met on February 23 President Bush , Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill, and Lawrence Lindsey, the President's top economic advisor. McCormick said the trucking industry is committed to advancing the President's goal of "returning hard-earned wages to the American worker."
McCormick delivered a letter of support from ATA to President Bush, saying that the tax relief plan would translate into more security for the nearly 9.7 million men and women working in trucking-related jobs.
The letter reads as follows:
The members of the American Trucking Associations support your call for broad, across-the-board tax relief to spur the nation's economic growth.
As the industry initially affected by a downturn in the economy, trucking was one of the first to witness a slowdown, and we have not yet witnessed a rebound. Therefore, we have been very concerned about the continuing softness in the economy, and we know that action is necessary.
This year, the trucking industry is transporting less goods than one year ago. Your tax relief plan would translate into more job security as well as more money in the pockets of the nearly 9.7 million men and women who work in trucking related jobs and are dedicated to moving the nation's freight.
Mr President, we at the American Trucking Associations stand ready to actively work to advance your goal of returning hard-earned wages to the American worker.