Ritchie Bros Auctioneers, an auctioneer of industrial equipment, held its biggest auction in more than 40 years of business from February 20-24, 2007, in Orlando FL. The unreserved industrial auction, which sold close to 6,500 truck, equipment and real estate items, generated gross auction sales in excess of US $172 million, beating 2006's companywide record of US $113 million.
More than 5,800 registered bidders from 63 countries, every US state, and Canadian province and territory participated in the Orlando auction. Of these bidders, more than 1,700 registered to use the company's rbauctionBid-Live real-time bidding service, which allows people to participate in the auction live and in real-time over the Internet.
Details on all upcoming Ritchie Bros auctions, including equipment to be sold, are available at www.rbauction.com.