“Navigating the Maze of Dangerous Goods Regulations” is the theme of the Dangerous Goods Advisory Council (DGAC) annual conference and hazardous materials transportation exposition. Set for Nov 13-14, 2004, at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City in Arlington VA, this event brings together regulators and industry representatives to explore issues, events, products and technologies pertinent to their fields.
Conference highlights will include:
Presentations from experts and regulators in the hazmat transportation field.
Updates on the most recent hazmat transportation regulations by government representatives from Canada and the United States.
Networking with professionals who transport hazardous materials both in the US and abroad.
A look at the latest technology and products in the transportation of hazardous materials and discussions with company representatives.
A chance for DGAC members to participate in committee meetings and an opportunity for non-members to observe those activities.
To register, access www.dgac.org, phone 202-289-4550, fax 202-289-4074, or contact DGAC, Suite 301 1101 Vermont Ave NW, Washington DC 20005.