THE NATIONAL Tank Truck Carriers Cleaning Council Seminar included a range of speakers experienced in technical subjects from specific equipment to maintenance.
Among those leading the discussions were Lee LaFond of Sellers Cleaning Systems, Todd Johnson of J-Tech Inc, George Lyon of Cleaning Solutions Inc, Bob Young of Lafayette Sani-Wash Inc, Gary Robertson and Bart Smith of Valley Equipment Co Inc, and Terry Melot of Arizona Boiler.
They brought their expertise to the meeting held March 28-29 in Phoenix, Arizona.
New spinner
LaFond kicked off the discussions with a review of Sellers Cleaning Systems' new Model 363 spinner that features a low flow with two to three nozzle models available for optimum cycle time. He pointed out that the spinner has an inlet pressure range of 40-750 psig and flow range of 30-60 gallons per minute.
Maintenance schedules
Johnson discussed maintenance schedules for tank cleaning equipment that help prevent lengthy downtime. He noted that the schedules depend on a variety of factors, including the number of spinners in operation, how many hours they are running, and how many tanks are cleaned.
“Don't wait for a catastrophic stoppage,” Johnson said in emphasizing preventive maintenance.
Robertson and Smith discussed pump maintenance and the advantage of understanding the function of their components. They recommended a full knowledge of what parts should be in the inventory for prompt access and others that can be ordered when needed.
“Good record-keeping is essential,” Smith said.
Robertson noted that pumps require gentle handling for extended usage.
Boiler use
On the subject of boilers, Melot said that a boiler designed with 83% to 84% efficiency is appropriate.
There are new autoflame, micro-modulation burners that improve energy use and have reduced emissions. He added that boilers can be refitted with the new efficient burners.
He added that a waste heat energy recovery system for a 100-horsepower boiler (or higher) can pay for itself within a year or two.
More savings can come from keeping water clean and free of scale. When quarter inch of scale deposit is detected, the boiler should be shut down and cleaned.
Tank passivation
Lyon and Young discussed passivation and its advantages for stainless steel cargo tanks. They pointed out that scratches and other damage to the tank can provide an opportunity for pitting. With passivation, the tank is better protected against these sources.
Some customers prefer passivation before repairs that require welding, saying that they get a better weld, Young said. He recommended passivation before all repairs and again after repairs are completed.
Lyon and Young emphasized that a tank must be cleaned before the passivation treatment. They said that 10-20 tanks can be passivated with one drum of the chemicals required.