The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) is proposing an update to pipeline safety regulations to enable pipeline operators to utilize current technology, materials, and practices, according to information published in the Federal Register July 18.
Comments on the proposal (49 CFR Parts 192, 193, and 195) must be received at PHMSA on or before September 16, 2005.
Among the subjects addressed are:
•American Petroleum Institute (API) Standard 620 that addresses the design and construction of large, field-assembled storage tanks for the storage of petroleum and petroleum products.
•API Standard 2000 for ensuring that dangerous gases are properly vented from atmospheric and low-pressure hazardous liquid storage tanks.
•API Standard 2510 that sets minimum requirements for the design and construction of facilities to handle and store liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) at terminals, refineries, and tank farms.
•ASME B31.4-2002 for requirements for the design, materials, construction, assembly, inspection, and testing of piping transporting liquids between producers' lease facilities, tank farms, natural gas processing plants, refineries, stations, ammonia plants, terminals (marine, rail and truck) and other delivery and receiving points.
•NFPA 58 (2004) for LPG, or propane, standard provides safety requirements for the design, construction, installation and operation of all LPG systems and storage facilities. This edition includes improved safety and security measure for bulk sites and industrial plants, including clarified requirements for safety valves and operations and maintenance requirements for pipeline and refrigerated storage facilities.
Click here to see the proposal in the Federal Register.