The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is proposing to eliminate an outdated requirement for certain motor vehicle operators to stop periodically to check their tires, according to information published July 16 in the Federal Register. Drivers must still check each vehicle's tires at the beginning of each trip and each time the vehicle is parked.
To require a vehicle transporting a hazardous material to stop at frequent regular intervals increases the security risk associated with such transportation. Any stop provides an opportunity for potential hijacking or theft of the vehicle and its cargo. Eliminating the tire check stop reduces this potential security risk, according to the information.
Currently, federal regulations require periodic tire inspections for certain vehicles transporting hazardous materials. Drivers of vehicles with dual tires must stop every two hours or 100 miles to inspect the tires.
Comments on this proposal, Docket #RSPA-02-12773 (HM-232B), were to have been submitted by Aug 15, 2002. For further information, phone William Quade at 202-366-6121 or visit