The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is awarding grants to 10 communities across the country to implement programs that reduce truck idling and promote the use of low-emissions vehicles. The cities include Sacramento Ca, Denver CO, Baltimore MD, Manistee MI, and South Bronx NY.
The grants, the first to be awarded under the Clean Air Transportation Communities program, are aimed at reducing emissions from transportation sources and enhancing energy efficiency in the transportation sector. In addition to reducing truck idling and promoting the use of low-emission vehicles, the program will encourage ride sharing for commuters. Approximately $1.27 million, will be awarded to ten state, local or tribal government agencies to address transportation, air quality, and climate change issues.
The grants range in size from $59,275 to $250,000 and will be used for a variety of community programs that help reduce air emissions from vehicles and promote energy-efficiency.
Transportation contributes about one-third of the greenhouse gas emissions nation-wide and is one of the single largest contributors of air pollution in the country, according to the EPA.
The grant recipients will work in partnership with organizations in the community to help ensure the success of the proposed projects. Partnering organizations include utilities, transit providers, car sharing groups, private and not-for-profit organizations, manufacturers of vehicles using clean technologies and real estate developers.