A majority of House members are now cosponsoring bipartisan legislation that would restore $4.4 billion in highway funds to the fiscal year 2003 budget. Earlier, the American Highway Users Alliance warned Congress that the projected $8.6 billion 2003 transportation budget cut could be calamitous for state transportation projects and the economy, according to information from the alliance.
“Republicans and Democrats from every state in the nation are joining this effort to restore $4.4 billion in highway funding in this year’s budget,” said Rep Don Young (R-Alaska), Transportation Committee chairman. “The new cosponsors are extremely committed to making sure than the highway funding is restored, allowing the important highway projects in all 50 states to continue as scheduled. Our legislation will save 180,000 family-wage jobs, which is vital in our current economic situation.”
"The fact that we were able to attract so many cosponsors in so little time shows just how important this issue is to every congressional District in every state in the Union," said Rep James L Oberstar (D-MN), the Transportation Committee ranking Democrat. "It also shows the House leadership, the Budget Committee and the Appropriations Committee just how serious we are about restoring some stability to the way we fund the Federal-Aid Highway program."