The Petroleum Equipment Institute (PEI) Tank Installation Committee is soliciting comments on PEI's Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems (PEI/RP100-2000).
PEI's Tank Installation Committee, the group responsible for writing RP100-2000, constantly monitors changes in equipment and installation techniques and revises the document periodically. The committee solicits input from tank manufacturers, regulators, code officials, tank installers, oil company engineers, and other interested parties.
The RP100 is referenced in the latest edition of NFPA 30 and is required reading material for the International Code Council's underground storage tank certification program. This RP contains information and illustrations on all phases of proper UST installation: material handling, excavating, backfilling, supports and anchorage, spill containment and overfill prevention, secondary containment, release detection, piping, valves and fittings, cathodic protection systems, electrical installation, testing, documentation, and training. It also contains appendices describing floatout and anchorage calculations, background information on cathodic protection, and documents used for reference. RP100 covers only stationary, shop-fabricated tanks used at commercial and retail service stations and marinas.
For further information, phone Bob Young at 918-494-9696 or e-mail him at [email protected].