The National TRANSCAER (Transportation Community Awareness and Emergency Response) Task Group has presented the 2005 TRANSCAER Regional Achievement Award to Pennsylvania TRANSCAER (PATC) for its achievements and commitment to the principles of TRANSCAER.
The award was presented to PATC by the National TRANSCAER Task Group Chairman, William Macready of NewCentury Transportation Inc, at the 2006 Norfolk-Southern Whistle Stop Tour in Harrisburg September 19.
PATC was honored for distinguishing itself as a leader in preparedness by promoting community awareness of the transportation of chemicals in Pennsylvania, providing assistance to local emergency planning committees and emergency management agencies in developing and evaluating their transportation emergency response plans, and encouraging municipalities to share their emergency preparedness capabilities.
PATC educated members of the Pennsylvania General Assembly and Governor Ed Rendell’s cabinet about rail hazmat safety and discussed ongoing local first responder training efforts in 22 Pennsylvania counties. The group also provided tabletop training to approximately 100 first responders from Erie, York, and Monroe. PATC also supported and sponsored the 2005 Norfolk Southern Whistle Stop Tour in Allentown by providing in-kind services throughout the day-long event.