Rand McNally's MileMaker mileage and routing information software is going global. The company is introducing MileMaker Global, a single-source system for accurately calculating routes and miles in North America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia.
MileMaker Global combines Rand McNally's World Digital Database with the comprehensiveness of NAVTEQ maps, which provides map data spanning 78 nations and territories, collected and based on a single global specification. It brings global standardization to multi-market logistic applications such as freight contract negotiation, rate setting, bill auditing, fuel tax reporting, and inter-continent routing.
The product includes:
More than 27 million kilometers of roadways
1.8 million points of interest and 112,700 Standard Point Location Codes
Comprehensive data for 198 nations
Up to 2.7 million unique postal codes
More than 1,100 airports and 200,000 cities/communities
The mapping and routing tool provides a graphical user interface that operates on a Windows/PC-based system. The product is modularized by World Regions, allowing users to purchase specific data sets. To enable enterprise-wide usages and integration in existing logistics systems, Rand McNally offers an API software developer's tool kit at an additional cost. MileMaker Global has updated versions of the mapping functions found in the North American version designed to reduce manual errors, analyze results, and remain current.
MileMaker Global is available for Windows platforms and as API calls for developers. It is available by calling 1-800-234-4069, option 5; accessing www.trucking.randmcnally.com; or e-mailing [email protected].