The Blendtech TCT Totalizer instrument can be used as a traditional totalizer, meter preamp, temperature compensating device, or process controller for pumps and valves.
TCT has features designed for a harsh industrial environment, such as a 1.5" seven-segment display with superior visibility. A two-line, 40-character vacuum fluorescent display suitable for cold environments provides operating information with clarity. The controller itself and all AC outputs are protected with replaceable fuses to ensure safety and minimize downtime. TCT also provides a separate power supply for external devices to minimize possibility of disrupting the CPU power source.
TCT uses the FLEx iO input output signal structure. All digital inputs and outputs are user-configurable. All logical signals can be assigned to seven inputs and four outputs. TCT also provides an interface to an exclusive digital thermometer for temperature compensation and a Dallas iButton security identification. Added expendability is provided via the FLEx iO expansion bus, which provides facilities for an optional keyboard, I/O expansion module, or badge reader.
This unit maintains its own internal calibration factors and all user-changeable parameters in nonvolatile memory. These parameters may be changed via an RS-485 or RS-232 serial channel or the IrDA communications link. All communication channels permit monitoring and control of the TCT unit. The RS-232 serial channel can be configured to support a remote ticket printer. TCT is compatible with Blendtech's MAC monitor and control software package. For more details, contact Blendtech, 216 Rivermede Rd, Unit 1 & 2, Concord, Ontario, Canada L4K 3M6.