Safety Issues surrounding the shipment of hazardous materials dominated the National Tank Truck Carriers (NTTC) annual safety council seminar conducted April 8-9 in Nashville, Tennessee.
Lee Drury of Jack B Kelley Inc and NTTC safety council chairman directed the seminar that included discussions of risk management, incident management, driver employment, emergency response, community involvement, and federal regulations.
Drury received a plaque of appreciation from in-coming national chairman Al LaCombe of Dupre Transport Inc. Ken Matlock of Boncosky Transportation Inc will serve as vice-chairman for 1998-99.
Regional chairmen are Paul F LaPoint, Fort Edward Express Co Inc, eastern chairman; Dick Carr, Montgomery Tank Lines Inc, southern chairman; Roy Acton, Mission Petroleum Carriers Inc, western chairman, and Matlock, central chairman.
Fred Sajewski, director of safety, compliance, and insurance at Manfredi Motor Transit Co, was honored as 1997 Tank Truck Safety Director of the Year. He was presented the award by Becky Howard, director of marketing for Heil Trailer International, sponsor of the award.
NTTC gives special recognition to officials in charge of safety for companies winning awards in the Competitive Safety Contest. They include Barry Davy, Trimac Transportation System; Gene Meenan, Matlack, Inc; Donald Wrege, Chemical Leaman Tank Lines Inc; Terry Malone, Miller Transporters Inc; Roy Acton, Mission Petroleum Carriers Inc; Tom Hosty, Transport Service Company; Gilbert Ray, Enterprise Transportation Company; Bob Bonich, Suttles Truck Leasing, Inc; Dick Papai, Ruan Transportation Management Systems; Mark Bliss, Andrews Transport Inc; Charles Preston, Sentinel Transportation Company; Tom Spivey Jr, J & M Tank Lines Inc; Frank Boone, Liquid Transport Corp; Edward Hanks, Slay Transportation Co Inc; Ken Dobisch, Kaw Transport Company; Steven Hart, Steere Tank Lines Inc; and Jim Bucko, Rogers Cartage Co.
Recognition also went to Jerry Bingham, Bulk Transportation; James Cameron, Island Transportation Corp; Ken Matlock, Boncosky Transportation Inc; Patrick Doran, Tank Truck Transport Inc; Sandy Osofsky, Linden Bulk Transport Co Inc; Mike Baker, Usher Transport Inc; Ted Gorski Jr, Gorski Bulk Transport Inc; Chuck Cramer, Roeder Cartage Co Inc; Jim Spackman, Wheeler Transport Service Inc; Robert Wikel, Wikel Bulk Express Inc; Paul LaPoint, Fort Edward Express Co Inc; Norm Gilbert, AJ Weigand Inc; Neil McInnis, Schiber Truck Company Inc; William Gurney, Lacy's Express Inc; and Kermit Hoffmeier, Hoffmeier Inc.