A new web site, www.gatsonline.com, has been launched for the Great American Trucking Show (GATS), set for Nov 16-18, 2000, at the Dallas (TX) Convention Center.
The site's features include online preregistration, a schedule of events, an exhibitor list, online exhibitor booth reservation, and industry information links. Participants also can reserve hotel accommodations online.
GATS will include seminars, free concerts by country music celebrities, exhibitor giveaways, and the Pride & Polish truck beauty contest. The web site offers a preview of this contest.
More details are available by contacting Sellers Expositions, 550 S Fourth Ave, Suite 200, Louisville KY 40202; phoning 888-349-4287 (toll free) or 502- 562-1962; or faxing 502-562-1970.